- Node.js is a JavaScript runtime.
- It is commonly referred as node.
- It uses a non-blocking I/O (asynchronous) model that makes it lightweight, efficient, popular, fast, scalable and reliable.
- Examples of NodeJS are Netflix, PayPal and Uber.
* Before starting first thing you should ask yourself is "What is Programming Language ?"
- Program is a set of instruction for the computer to carry out. The instruction written in the language which computer understands is called Programming Languages.
* What we are doing?
We are writing program in JavaScript language and running it in another program called Node JS.

- In Windows it will be downloaded in MSI file format.
- Once downloaded run the Node setup.
- Allow node setup to run for installation to start

2. Write < node -v > in Node Command Prompt // To check node version
* Installation
1. Go to this site.
- In Windows it will be downloaded in MSI file format.
- Once downloaded run the Node setup.
- Allow node setup to run for installation to start

# To check installation is done properly -
1. Select Node JS Command Prompt2. Write < node -v > in Node Command Prompt // To check node version
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